RefectoCil Saline Solution
For cleansing before eyelash perming or after tinting eyelashes.
After application of conventional eye make-up remover’s, usually oily residues remain on the upper eyelid and the eyelashes. Therefore the upper eyelids and the eyelashes must be cleansed with RefectoCil Saline Solution. Only then optimum adhesion of the eyelash rollers can be guaranteed during the application of the Eyelash Perm.
Client with eye make-up:To prepare the eyelashes use RefectoCil Eye Make-Up Remover. Client without eye make-up: To prepare the eyelashes use RefectoCil Saline Solution.
The RefectoCil Saline Solution is also ideal for eye baths AFTER tinting the eyelashes, since tint residues remain often between the individual lashes. Those residues can be removed with RefectoCil Saline Solution, which is entirely soft and similar to tear fluid.